FFT Friends & Family Test has started.
This is a way for you as a patient to feedback about your experience at the surgery. It will enable us to understand what we do well and what aspects of care we offer could be improved.
The responses are not linked to your name or medical records in any way.
You can feedback after appointments, telephone encounter or home visit or after any encounter at the practice.
There will be opportunities for children to feed back also if parents can help with completing our forms.
If you add comments please make sure you tick the box if you do not wish these to be published in our feedback reports which will be seen by patients,staff and public.
The FFT feedback forms will be in reception and can be dropped into suggestion box in foyer or you can complete on line .
Your opinions, feedback and ideas are very important to the practice to help us understand where we need to focus our attention or to pass on the positives to the staff which helps us all feel our job is worthwhile.
Should you have any suggestions to improve how the Practice operates or manages its services, please complete a Friends and Family Test feedback form.
Friends and Family Results